Thinking About Success
1. Hard Work
2. Opportunity
3. Skill
4. Luck
In order to achieve success, there are important factors that are involved such as hard work, opportunity, skill, and luck, while I do believe them to be in this order with hard work being the most significant factor. If you are trying to complete a goal that is important to you, how are you supposed to achieve what you want if you are not willing to work for it? For example, a close family friend had a difficult life growing up due to issues with finance while struggling to go to college, but despite these factors, she tried her absolute hardest in school, went above and beyond with all of her work, and now if extremely successful. She has definitely a role model for me as I grow up and has proven to my family that if you work hard to get your dreams, anything can happen. Secondly, I believe opportunities are important for success, because how can you complete a task if you havn't been given a chance to? This is why I believe it is very important to always leave yourself open to except new opportunities that can be given to you through your hard work. Thirdly, I believe an important factor that leads to success is skill, and despite popular opinion, I do not believe skill to be the most important factor. While it is important, if you don't encompass important characteristics such as a hard worker, or seek to make opportunities for yourself, skill won't even be necessary for you cannot have success without those two key factors. Although I do agree it is key to know how to do certain skills and be confident in your work, this factor is not nearly as important as this previous ones. Skill can be followed by luck, for I believe it is also important, but not necessary. While luck can be nice and convenient at the time, it is wrong for anyone to be reliant on a factor that may not even happen, which is why it is a low ranked word in my opinion. If one purely relies on luck, you may not be focussing on things that are truly important like pushing yourself to be your very best, other known as hard work, which is what I truly believe makes you the most successful.
Here is an image that I believed to encapsulate my opinions.
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