Paraphrased Lincoln Movie Review

Paraphrased Lincoln Review

"But this is, after all, a movie, a drama, an entertainment (if you will), not a documentary. For all of our wailing about the lack of historical knowledge, awareness, teaching and reading, historical and biographical movies increasingly feel compelled to pay a much heavier duty in period-correct appearances than the costume-dramas of our parents’ generation, and it’s satisfying to see that Spielberg pays his duty so lavishly. But a preoccupation with authenticity at the expense of story has capsized more than a few historical movies at their dock, and Lincoln has not entirely escaped that problem." A Civil War Professor Review "Lincoln":Daily Beast

My paraphrase of this selected passage:

A historian from the website, Daily Beast, acknowledged that this movie is not an investigative report, but it is an exciting source of amusement. Particularly, this movie did a fantastic job on accurately representing the display of people of this time period rather than showcasing inaccurate all aspects of the past. Too many movie directors of historical dramas primarily focus on the film being as accurate as possible, rather than focusing on making the movie interesting. Unfortunately, Lincoln did suffer from this problem by its priority bring to contain accurate information.
